Sinn Féin Urges lifting company Terex to prioritise job protection

1 min read

Sinn Féin MPs Cathal Mallaghan and Órfhlaith Begley, along with MLA Colm Gildernew, met with Terex management to advocate for job protection amid the announced redundancies.

The party's representatives urged the need to prioritise voluntary redundancies "to ensure that those workers who wish to stay in their jobs, can do so, as well as supporting other workers to re-skill".

Cathal Mallaghan MP said: "We have met with Terex management urging the company to do all they can to protect as many jobs as possible, and to limit the number of redundancies.

"This company is a key employer for workers in Dungannon, Omagh and beyond, and it is clear to us that the company is people centred and has done everything it could to mitigate the impact of this announcement.

"We will work closely with Terex in the coming weeks and months to identify solutions that will help to find new markets and to tackle new costs that have arisen due to the impacts of Brexit. This includes working with Invest NI and other government agencies who can help ensure we protect vital jobs."

Read more on Terex story here: